Midjourney Logo Design: Ultimate Guide For Creating Logos with AI

Creating logos is now easier with Midjourney! 😍

We no longer need complex design tools and hours and hours of work. ⏰

💫 But, to achieve a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing design that effectively communicates your brand, you must know a bit of “graphic designer” jargon. 💫

Adding precise descriptions like “mascot logo,” “emblem logo,” or “flat vector logo” can help you create a well-defined prompt that will achieve your logo goals.

Therefore, this article aims to educate you on the types of logos and how to craft the right Midjoureny prompt to achieve your desired output.

Let’s dive in! 🏊‍♀️

How to use Midjourney for logo design

All prompts can be adjusted.

When it comes to Midjoureny, there isn’t a “one size fits all prompt,” and users need to experiment until they find their optimal description.

This is the Midjoureney formula I used:

  • Graphic design, logotype, details, background color, things to exclude.

Ex. A Graphic design, a minimal logo of the letter E, with a rose, white background, and no frame.

Logo Design Prompts for Midjourney and Types of Logos

Note: You can adjust the given prompts by adding color, style, or more details

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, a minimal logo of the letter A with a small rose, no frame, white background.

minimal logo created with midjourney

Abstract logos

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, an abstract logo of the letter A, a round shape, white background.

abstract logo created with midjourney

Mascot logos

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, a mascot logo containing a robot, a triangle frame, white background.

mascot logo with midjourney

Emblem logos

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, a super realistic puppy emblem logo, round frame.

emblem logo created with midjourney

Dynamic logos

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, a dynamic logo of the letter M, white background.

dynamic logo created with midjourney

3D logos

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, a 3D logo of a pink teddy bear, white background, no frame.

3d logo created with midjourey

  • Midjourney prompt: A graphic design, pictorial logo of a bird, minimalistic, round frame, black, white background.

pictorial logo created with midjourney

🚀 Read Also: Midjoureny Alternatives.

Midjoureny faces a significant challenge when it comes to letters and words.

If you are searching for a straightforward logo that solely features your business name, you may need more than Midjoureny to suit your needs.

Additionally, adding a tagline or numbers in the logo won’t be possible with Midjourney as the software often makes mistakes. You will still need advanced tools such as Photoshop to finesse the logo.

Midjoureny can help you create a high-quality logo, but a professional in the field will still be needed to make the logo perfect.

📗 Also, Learn: How to create a website with AI

What should you consider when designing your logo in Midjourney?

Before jumping on Midjoureny and starting typing prompts, it is advisable to understand what makes a logo.

Learning the parts of a logo will ensure that you add all necessary components to your prompt and receive a professional and presentable AI-generated outcome.

Logo anatomy

  • Logomark.

The logomark is often the most recognizable part of the logo. The logomark is the image or the icon on the brand’s logos.

Logomarks can vary in shape and size. They may feature an image, like the Twitter or Apple logos, or consist solely of letters, like the monograms used by luxury fashion brands such as Gucci.

  • Wordmark.

In a logo, the wordmark refers to the section that includes words and can be placed in various positions. Designers must exercise caution when incorporating wordmarks to ensure they are legible and easily comprehended.

Some companies choose to use wordmark logos exclusively. However, in such cases, designers must be creative and utilize various fonts to avoid a lackluster and unappealing logo due to the absence of other design elements.

Examples of brands that have wordmark logos are Google and Coca-Cola.

  • Tagline.

Taglines in logos give additional information about the company.

Taglines are considered less important in logo creation and are usually located beneath the logomark and wordmark. Taglines are used by new or less-known companies that need to inform their potential customers about their occupations.

  • Establishment date and location.

Establishment date and location are typical elements we often see on a beer’s logo, informing customers about a company’s history. Dates often give customers a sense of reassurance regarding a company's stability and establish credibility.

In modern logos, designers avoid placing establishments and locations.

  • Framing.

A frame, even just for decoration, helps create a clear shape. When designing a logo, there is a basic shape without a frame, but using a frame allows designers to have more control over the shape that viewers see.

  • Negative space.

Negative space refers to the distance between the elements in the logo. Designers must create appropriate distance between the elements to make the logo look well organized and not cluttered.

  • Background.

The background appears behind the logo and can come in different colors and textures.

The designer can ensure the logo remains readable on different backgrounds during the design process.

💡 AI can also create amazing QR code art. Learn how to use AI to create branded AI QR codes.

In conclusion

Midjourney is a useful tool for users who need to improve their graphic design skills.

The software can quickly create a logo, saving time and money. However, it's important to note that while artificial intelligence is advanced, it's still advisable to seek advice from a logo designer to address any areas where Midjourney may fall short.