How To Use ChatGPT To Write Your Resume

I’m just going to say it, if you’re an adult who is always on the lookout for a fascinating new job, I bet that you’re constantly rearranging your resume, polishing it, or simply just staring at it until you find something to nitpick or critique.

That is one of the things I hate to do the most. Touching up my resume before sending it to someone is overwhelming, mainly because I am a perfectionist who wants everything to be in order.

This was my life before I saw the magic of the all-mighty and powerful ChatGPT. Now, I actually enjoy touching up my resume and looking for new ways to enrich it without sounding too cocky.

Want to find out how to use ChatGPT to write your resume? Read all about it in the article down below.

What is a resume, and why would you need one?

Okay, I want to cover all the basics you already know in this paragraph, so we should start from the beginning.

A resume, also known as a curriculum vitae (CV), is a formal document that summarizes an individual's education, work experience, skills, and other relevant qualifications.

It is typically used as a tool for job applications. It is submitted to potential employers to showcase an individual's professional background and suitability for a specific job.

A resume typically includes the following sections:

  • Contact Information: This section includes the individual's name, contact details such as phone number and email address, and sometimes their address.
  • Summary or Objective Statement: This section briefly overviews one’s professional background and career goals, highlighting their qualifications and what one can bring to a potential employer.
  • Education: This section lists the individual's educational qualifications, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and relevant certifications or licenses.
  • Work Experience: This section details the individual's professional work history, including job titles, names of employers, dates of employment, and a description of responsibilities and achievements in each role.
  • Skills: This section highlights the individual's relevant skills, such as technical skills, language proficiency, or other relevant abilities to the job they are applying for.
  • Additional Sections: Depending on the individual's background, other sections may be included, such as awards and honors, publications, volunteer work, professional affiliations, or references.

A well-written resume should be concise, clear, and tailored to the specific job or industry for which the individual is applying.

It should highlight the individual's qualifications and achievements in a way relevant to the employer's needs and showcases their potential value as an employee.

Keeping a resume updated and customized for each job application is essential to increase the chances of being selected for an interview.

How To Write A Resume

How to write a resume

Here are some step-by-step instructions on how to write an effective resume:

Choose a Resume Format:

There are several standard resume formats, including chronological, functional, and combination.

Choose the one that best fits your skills, experience, and the type of job you're applying for. You can choose or create your resume template/format using Canva, Microsoft Word, or Google Docs.

Include Your Contact Information:

Start your resume by properly introducing yourself. Ensure you add your name, home or work address, phone number, and email address.

This information should always be accurate and up-to-date, as it's how potential employers will contact you.

Remember that first impressions matter; you should always start your resume by concisely giving up your contact information.

Write a Compelling Summary or Objective:

Include a brief statement at the beginning of your resume that summarizes your qualifications and career goals.

This can be a summary of your experience, skills, and achievements or an objective statement highlighting what you hope to achieve in your next job.

Highlight Your Professional Experience:

List your work experience chronologically. I personally prefer starting with my most recent job. Include the company name, job title, job position, the dates of your employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements.

Focus on the relevant experiences demonstrating your skills and qualifications for the job you're applying for.

Highlight Your Skills:

For a resume to be catchy enough to grasp someone’s attention, you should always include a dedicated section that highlights your key skills and qualifications relevant to the job.

My advice is, don’t be afraid to hype up your skills. Don't hold it to yourself if you know you’re good at something!

This can include any technical skills you have, soft skills, and any certifications or licenses you may hold.

Mention Your Education:

Education is very important when you write your resume. People are often interested in your educational background, not necessarily to see your education level but to know where you’re coming from and what kind of people you associate with.

Include your educational background, including your degree, major, school name, and graduation year.

You can also include relevant coursework, academic honors, or extracurricular activities related to the job.

Include Relevant Achievements/Awards:

This is optional and completely up to you, but I have found it helpful. Highlight any notable achievements, awards, or recognition you've received in your professional or academic career.

This can help you stand out amongst many other candidates and demonstrate your capabilities to potential employers.

Remember, you are here to be judged based on your skills and achievements, so try to include as much as possible.

Tailor Your Resume:

Apart from others’ opinions, a resume shouldn’t be a steady document that doesn’t change. Sometimes, it needs a little pizzazz and customization. Customize your resume for each job application.

No, I am not saying that you should change the whole resume completely, but pay attention to the details and gather as much information for the job you’re applying for as possible.

This means analyzing the job description and matching your skills, experience, and keywords to the job requirements.

This shows the employees that you've researched and are a good fit for the role.

Use Action Words and Quantify Results:

Use strong action words to describe your responsibilities and achievements, and quantify your results wherever possible.

This helps to demonstrate your impact and contributions in your previous roles.

Proofread and Edit Your Resume:

Whatever you’re doing, you should always double-check your work, especially if you’re sending it for people to judge it/ review it.

Review your resume for grammar and spelling errors, and ensure it is easy to read and well-organized.

If you don’t think you can do this by yourself, ask a friend, mentor, or professional to review it and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback.

Good luck with your resume writing!

Note: Remember to keep your resume concise, focused, and tailored to the specific job you're applying for.

Most importantly, be honest, provide accurate information, and ensure your resume presents you as the best candidate for the job.

Like our work so far? Check out this article about How to Write a ChatGPT Cover Letter!

Introducing ChatGPT


In a world where artificial intelligence rules the world, it is essential for people to know how to use it, given that it is basically a part of our everyday lives and work routines.

What is ChatGPT?

Now, for people who haven’t been in touch with today’s technology, I have an obligation to shortly explain what this mysterious tool is and how it can help simplify a mundane’s life in just a matter of seconds.

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot powered by natural language processing that can read and understand human language and provide you with human-like responses.

This chatbot can be your best friend and helper if you allow it, using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide information and assist you in any way possible.

By now, there are two versions of this little miracle. The most popular version of ChatGPT is GPT-3.5, but recently, the new and improved ChatGPT 4 has stepped on the stage.

ChatGPT 4 is more powerful than its ancestor, providing you with more accurate and up-to-date information and faster and more clever responses.

Using ChatGPT is easy once you get the hang of it, and the best part is that the GPT-3.5 version is free and open source, so you can start using it immediately without any unnecessary difficulties.

Now, let's talk about the real deal, ChatGPT 4. While it comes with a cost of $20 per month, it's well worth the investment, at least for those of us who use it daily.

With the paid version, you'll enjoy quicker responses, more accurate information, perfectly structured sentences, and, most importantly, no traffic on the site.

To start, log on to the OpenAI website using Google Chrome and click "Try ChatGPT." ChatGPT is your reliable AI companion for all your content needs!

How to Write a Resume With ChatGPT

What Is Chatgpt

Are you looking to create a compelling resume that stands out to potential employers and makes you feel like you’re the star of the show?

Well, look no further! With the help of ChatGPT, you can craft a resume that effectively showcases your skills, experiences, and achievements.

In this paragraph, we'll walk you through the steps to write a resume using ChatGPT as your trusty writing assistant.

First things first…

Before we dive into the magical world of artificial intelligence, we have to deal with human problems, aka, deciding what to add or subtract to our resume.

I advise compiling all the information you’d want to add in a document and trying to outline how you want your resume to look.

After you get the idea of what you want your resume to consist of, then you can go ahead and use ChatGPT as a helper.

Gather your information before you start writing your resume. It's important to gather all the necessary information you want to include.

This can and should include your personal information, such as your name, contact details, and professional social media profiles.

Collect details about your work experience, education, skills, achievements, and references. Ensure you have all the relevant information to streamline the resume writing process.

Choose a Killer Opening Statement

opening statement

Kicking off your resume with a powerful opening statement is always good. After all, we’ve already established that first impressions matter.

This section, also referred to as a resume objective or summary statement, allows you to show off your top qualifications, skills, and career aspirations.

It's crucial to tailor this section to the job you're applying for, so you can grab the reader's/employer’s attention and encourage them to read on.

Crafting an engaging opening statement requires a bit of finesse and creativity, but don't worry - that's where ChatGPT comes in!

ChatGPT has the skills and experience to help you generate a killer opening statement that will make a great first impression on your target audience.

Whether you're looking for a job in marketing, healthcare, education, copywriting, or any other field, ChatGPT will help you put your best foot forward and showcase your unique strengths and abilities.

Make Your Work Experience Stand Out With ChatGPT

Your work experience is one, if not the most important, part of any resume, as it shows your professional background and everything you have achieved in that time.

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, meaning you should start with your most recent job and end with your first job.

Make sure to include your job title, the company's name, the dates of employment, and a short description of your responsibilities and accomplishments.

Use powerful keywords to enlarge your achievements and make them more noticeable.

How is ChatGPT helpful here? This chatbot can assist you in formulating concise and compelling bullet points that showcase your work experience effectively.

Feed your chatbot with an effective prompt that includes the information you want to add to your resume and watch it do its magic.

💡 Learn about ChatGPT's limitations so you can use it more efficiently.

ChatGPT as Education and Skills Expert!

Including a section highlighting your education and skills can be difficult if you’re doing it manually, but it does make the reading more interesting and attention-grabbing. This is where ChatGPT comes in handy.

ChatGPT can help you articulate your education and skills in a concise and interesting way that stands out.

List your educational qualifications, including the institution's name, degree earned, and the dates of attendance.

If you have any relevant certifications, licenses, or professional development courses, include them as well.

Additionally, here you can also mention your hard and soft skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for.

You can even add some of your hobbies or silly things you’d like to do in your free time. Copy and paste the text to ChatGPT and ask it to give you an original and creative way to present this on your resume.

Trust me, if you feed it enough info, ChatGPT will be your best friend forever!

But, as with everything, know your limits on what you should display to everybody.

🤔 Read Also: How to Become a Prompt Engineer.

Correct Grammatical Errors

To be honest, I suffer from the pet peeve of grammar and spelling errors on a resume! They can be like little landmines that explode in the face of your job application.

And hey, it can certainly happen to everyone, even if you’re mindful enough. Imagine a potential employer cringing at a typo on your resume. Talk about a CV fail!

You know what I’m going to say next, don’t you? Once again, ChatGPT is here to save the day with its trusty proofreading powers, which, as I have mentioned in one of my previous articles, was not designed for it.

With an eagle eye for detail and a knack for spotting errors, ChatGPT is the sidekick you’ve been looking for your whole life to help you battle those irritable mistakes.

Think of ChatGPT as your trusty grammar guru, spelling superhero, and punctuation buddy, all rolled into one.

With its help, you can ensure that your resume will be polished to perfection, free from any embarrassing slip-ups that could leave a potential employer scratching their head.

So, don't let those errors sneak past you, especially if you have a super bot up your sleeve.

Let ChatGPT give your resume the thorough proofreading it deserves after you’ve done all your hard work, and watch as your job application impresses many, if not all.

I am sure that you and ChatGPT will get along well. Together, you'll conquer those errors and emerge victorious in the job hunt! Good luck, guys, and I wish you all a happy job hunting!


In conclusion, using ChatGPT to write your resume can be a game-changer for all of those who aren’t confident enough to do it completely by themselves.

Your trusty chatbot can help you streamline the process, enhance and fluff out the content, and create a professional document highlighting your qualifications and achievements.

With ChatGPT's help, you can easily customize your resume for each individual job application, ensuring that it is perfectly tailored to the employer's specific needs.

Remember always to keep your resume easy to understand, clear, and relevant, showing off your skills, experience, and education in a compelling and fun way.

So, why not take advantage of the power of ChatGPT to create a standout resume and increase your chances of landing that dream job?

☀️ ChatGPT can also help you in your pleasure time. Check out how to use ChatGPT to plan your next trip.