How To Create Images In Midjourney Using Most Famous Art Movements

Written by Emilija Anchevska We Tested

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Our world has been graced by many impressive artists who have left behind breathtaking works of art with their extraordinary talent and unique perspectives.

Claude Monet, Paul Gauguin, and Pablo Picasso are among the many artists whose artwork continues to be analyzed and enjoyed long after their deaths.

Many of us won't get a chance to see some of their work in real life, but cutting-edge technology allows us to imitate their style and create images that look like world-renowned artists painted them.

This article will discuss using Midjoureny to create images resembling famous art movements.

What Artist Movements Can You Use In Midjoureny?

Midjourney is a highly adaptable tool that can incorporate various artistic styles into users' images.

However, to utilize these styles, users must first understand them and how to prompt Midjourney to create an image in that particular style.

In the second section, you will learn about some of the most prominent art movements and how to create a prompt that will help achieve the desired look.

  • Cubism - Cubism redefines reality by depicting subjects from multiple perspectives and fractured shapes.
  • Surrealism - Surrealism explores the subconscious mind through dreamlike, fantastical imagery and unexpected combinations.
  • Impressionism - Impressionism captures fleeting moments and atmospheric effects with loose brushstrokes and vibrant colors.
  • Pop art - Pop art celebrates mass culture and consumerism by incorporating everyday objects and celebrities into art.
  • Abstract expressionism - Abstract expressionism conveys raw emotions and energy through spontaneous, gestural brushwork and abstraction.
  • Fauvism - Fauvism uses bold, non-naturalistic colors and distorted forms to evoke powerful emotional responses.
  • Expressionism - Expressionism distorts reality to convey emotional and psychological states through exaggerated, often distorted, depictions.
  • Minimalism - Minimalism simplifies forms and eliminates unnecessary details, focusing on fundamental elements and geometric shapes.
  • Post-Impressionism - Post-Impressionism builds upon Impressionism, emphasizing structure, symbolic meaning, and expressive use of color.
  • Realism - Realism portrays subjects with meticulous detail and accuracy, capturing everyday life and ordinary people.
  • Abstract - Abstract art represents the essence of a subject rather than its realistic appearance, using shapes, colors, and forms.
  • Art Nouveau - Art Nouveau combines organic and decorative elements characterized by flowing lines and ornate details.
  • Romanticism - Romanticism emphasizes emotion, imagination, and nature, often depicting dramatic scenes and exotic landscapes.
  • Rococo - Rococo art features elaborate ornamentation, pastel colors, and playful, lighthearted themes.
  • Neoclassicism - Neoclassicism draws inspiration from classical art and architecture, emphasizing clarity, order, and rationality.
  • Art Deco - Art Deco embraces geometric shapes, luxurious materials, and bold designs, reflecting the modernity of the early 20th century.
  • Modern art - Modern art encompasses various styles that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, breaking from traditional artistic conventions.
  • Symbolism - Symbolism uses symbolic imagery and metaphors to convey abstract ideas, emotions, and spiritual themes.
  • Contemporary art - Contemporary art encompasses diverse artistic practices created by today's artists, reflecting the current cultural and social contexts.
  • Futurism - Futurism celebrates technology, speed, and the modern urban environment through dynamic, fragmented compositions.
  • Baroque - Baroque art features grandeur, drama, and elaborate ornamentation, often depicting religious and mythological themes.

How to create a prompt in Midjourney

When creating prompts, they must be clear and concise.

For our example, we can describe what we want in the image and then add the movement or style.

Alternatively, you can add an artist to your prompt to achieve a specific artist’s style.

Images created in Midjourny with a specific art movement


An ice cream truck painted in the style of Cubism



A woman holding an iPhone in painted in fauvism style



A minimalistic painting of a woman sitting in a living room


Pop Art

A Portrait of Donald Trump in Pop Art Style

pop art

A painting of a man working on a computer in a neoclassicism style


To Sum Up

Midjourney is a fantastic tool that can help you bring any image in your mind to life. Your imagination can go beyond limits, creating modern images painted in Renaissance style, giving them a unique touch. This article aims to help you understand the versatility of Midjourney and how you can apply various styles to any image.